Are you up for a challenge? Thought so.
You’ll need to have your wits about you for these islands though. They don’t give themselves up easily. Getting to each of them presents a unique challenge to the intrepid islandeer.
Negotiating the fast tides, quicksands and shifting channels of Morecombe Bay is a true adventure. The well-prepared islandeer will be hugely rewarded though. Walking atop each of these wildlife-packed island gems dotted in the vast expanse of Morecombe Bay sands will be an experience that you’ll never forget. Particularly if the King of Piel pulls you a pint.
Splashing out into the river estuary that divides England and Wales to reach Hilbre Island is another life affirming experience. Accompanied by the haunting song of the grey seals that bask on the north east tip of the island we reckon that this is the birthplace of all mermaid stories.
In the North you can even be Pilgrim for a day. Getting to Lindisfarne Islands presents a special opportunity. You could join the stream of tourists crossing the causeway to the island or you could roll up your trouser legs and follow the wooden stakes leading you across the shimmering sands via the Pilgrims Path to Holy Island. What a walk.
These islands are all incredible experiences – walking on the wild side if you dare.