Tresco, United Kingdom
Overview of Tresco Renowned for its sophisticated vibe, beautiful beaches and world famous sub-tropical gardens the second largest island of Scilly, and the only one privately owned, has plenty of wild places to discover amongst the great cafes, pubs and luxury accommodation on offer. An island of many contrasts its exposed north coast is rugged with granite outcrops and heathland; whilst the east and south are mostly sand and shell beaches. Inland the freshwater pools are a birdwatchers paradise. The main settlements are New Grimsby and Old Grimsby on the west and east coasts respectively.
Type of island: inhabited
Location: Isle of Scilly
How to get to Tresco travel to St Mary’s on the Scillonian III from Penzance or Skybus flights from Lands End, Newquay and Exeter airports. Transfer to Tresco from the quay at St Mary’s via St Mary’s Boatmen’s Association https://www.scillyboating.co.uk) usually twice daily. Boats also arrive from St Martin’s and St Agnes on a less frequent basis. From Tresco the inter-island boat is run by Tresco Boat Services
Getting around Tresco everything on Tresco is within relatively short walking distance from New Grimsby quay. Tresco Estate offers a transfer service.
Best time to go to Tresco you can travel to the Isle of Scilly anytime of the year. Most visitors go between May to September, but Easter and October half terms can also be great often with good weather and fewer visitors. Spring time in Scilly is the best time to see the scented narcissi. The best time for birdwatching on Scilly is during the spring and autumn, with the large number of passing migrants.
Getting around Tresco there are public footpaths and lanes throughout the island
Is Tresco dog friendly dogs must be kept on a lead at all times everywhere on Tresco
Food and drink on Tresco there are some lovely cafes, inns, and restaurants as well as the well-stocked and upmarket Tresco Store. Our favourite is the wonderful Ruin Beach Cafe
Accommodation on Tresco the whole island is a holiday resort with a range of self-catering cottages and one hotel, The New Inn. No camping is available on Tresco
Contacts: all information about visiting Tresco at https://www.tresco.co.uk
What to do on Tresco
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St Helen’s
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