Linked to the south coast at Havant by a road bridge, Hayling Island has all the attractions of a traditional seaside holiday yet has miles of unspoilt coastline and countryside. Its west coast is tranquil with views across the nature-filled Langstone Harbour and is easily walked or cycled along the Hayling Billy Trail. The south coast is the most built up area. Expect funfairs, kiss-me-quick and fish and chips. The south east corner is quieter though and home to the island’s vast shingle beach, a mecca for windsurfers which is unsurprising as the sport was invented on this island. Nearby, the grasslands of Sinah Common are stacked with military history. Most of the west coast is indented by silent creeks and is largely the preserve of sailing clubs, farmed land and nature. A coastal circuit of the island by bike is a great way to see it everything the island has to offer. With good food stops on the island and traditional seaside entertainment there’s something for everyone.

Island overview
18th January 2020
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