There are four high points on Vatersay. All are free-range routes but easily accessible. Each affords magnificent views of the surrounding islands of Mingulay, Pabbay and Barra.
Heiseabhal Mor (Theiseabhal Mor, Heishival Mor) (190 metres) – park on the tombolo and walk to the Community cafe at NL633954 and head uphill on the faint paths to reach the trig point.
Am Meall (92 metres) – the summit can be reached on the Islandeering route , walking east from the southern tip of the tombolo or by following the coast route from Eorasdail village with a final ascent.
Beinn Ruilibreac (85 metres) – from the tombolo carpark it is possible to walk from the end of the road and navigate your own way to the summit.
Bioruaslum (72 metres) – on tidal island that requires scrambling to access.
The round-island coastal route and full details of Vatersay’s top attraction are included in the book Islandeering: adventures around the edge of Britain’s hidden islands.